Kodiak, Alaska





~Frequently Asked Questions~

Where do flights originate?+show/-hide
We are going to be in Homer. Can you pick us up?+show/-hide
What is the capacity of the airplane(s)?+show/-hide
How many planes do you operate? +show/-hide
What are your professional qualifications?+show/-hide
What forms of payment do you accept?+show/-hide
Do you GUARANTEE that we will see bears?+show/-hide
What location will we visit for bear viewing? +show/-hide
How close can we expect to get to the bears?+show/-hide
How much walking is involved? +show/-hide
What does my pilot/guide bring for bear protection?+show/-hide


toll free USA 866-486-5155

site created & maintained by: Kyle Eaton.
Last page update: January 10, 2012